In our Adventure Education programs, we frequently talk about “comfort zones,” encouraging each of our participants to strive, stretch, and grow beyond everyday routines. We encourage this movement by pushing individuals to give 100% in any given moment, choosing the challenge that is appropriate and safe for them. We don’t just climb, jump, paddle and zip for the fun of it (although fun is important!) – we encourage participants to learn and grow through programs designed to achieve specific group and individual learning outcomes.
Annual Report Sections
Executive Summary | Academics & Presentations | Advancing a Legacy | Adventure Education | Environmental Education | Military & Family Programs | Recreation Therapy | Retreats
49groups served in FY2019
3,185clients served through adventure programs in FY2019
7high and low challenge courses maintained

We regularly tailor these learning outcomes to the needs of our clients: schools, non-profits, IU departments, corporations, and more. Program highlights of 2019 include hosting a kick-off program for the IU Mandela Fellowship Program, which brings participants from 20 African nations together to focus on leadership development. We also enjoyed providing programming to student groups from neighboring states, including Kentucky Country Day, Hauser Elementary, and the Learn 8 Middle School, which came to us from Chicagoland for the first time this spring. Many of their 90 participants experienced important “firsts,” including being away from home, hiking, canoeing, and enjoying the woods.
In summer 2019, Bailey Albrecht arrived as our new assistant director and was able to immediately use the skills they sharpened as a facilitator at Florida State University to bring professional outcomes to our groups. We’re happy to have Bailey as part of the team!
The Bradford Woods staff successfully created a safe environment for kids to fail and learn, as well as celebrate their accomplishments.
Highland Park Schools